

Sunday 4 May 2014

Spare a minute to see this true story of a helpless woman…

Nabibi works as a helper. Misfortune struck her family when her only son suffered with a paralytic attack and multiple organ failure. Poverty-stricken, uneducated and vulnerable, Nabibi went from one hospital to another to get her son treated, only to be met with indifference and lack of sympathy. Due to gross negligence of the hospital authorities, Nabibi lost her son who left behind his daughter. Today, at the age of 65, Nabibi works hard to get her Granddaughter educated and to make end meets. There are many Nabibis who meet similar fates. Her only hope is CBN

CBN promises to take the scope and sophistication of healthcare, resources and fully trained workforce to the cities, towns and villages of the State. All services will be delivered with care and compassion. Clinical competence will be improved. Full efforts will be made to understand and relieve the patient’s distress and suffering. Better processes will be put in place for effective communication across settings.

NTR Samagra Arogya Raksha will cover costs for both treatment as well as diagnostic tests!

Highlights of NTR Arogya Raksha

· Every underprivileged individual to receive a health card

· Cashless Hospitalization & Testing: Individual need not make an upfront payment to Private, Corporate or Government hospital at the time of admission.

· FREE Diagnostic Tests, FREE Treatment, FREE Operation to the tune of Rs. 2.5 Lakh per individual per year

· Top quality healthcare services, covers more diseases and conditions than in Arogya Sri


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